Tuesday, February 17, 2009

He took my virginity...

Haa...ni sambungan crita budak 13 tahun yg jadi ayah tu...ish3... pelik2 betul orang putih ni...

Tapi bila aku fikir2 balik, kalau nak banding dengan orang lain yang pandai buat tapi buang anak... Hermmmm... Korang buatla kesimpulan sendiri.... Na'uzubillah...

THE girlfriend of Alfie Patten yesterday rubbished claims the 13-year-old did not father her baby, insisting: “There has been no one else.”

Chantelle, 15, said as she was comforted by the pint-size schoolboy: “I love Alfie. I lost my virginity to him.

“We decided to start a physical relationship because we love each other. There has been no one else.


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